Quantcast John N. Deck


Philosophy against Misosophy


Nature, Contemplation, and the One


Essays by Me

Essays by Others

The biographical information given here was taken from the "John Norbert Deck" entry in an academic directory circa 1977.  Unfortunately, I can't identify that resource from the photocopy gratefully received from James O'Meara, a former student of Deck's.  I'm also grateful to William Vallicella for providing the listing of publications given in The Philosopher's Index, and to Deck's daughter, Elisabeth, for correcting an error.  I'm striving for completeness, so if any visitor spots a missing review, I'd appreciate hearing from him or her.

Visitors interested in Deck should not miss either O'Meara's memoir of Deck or review of his Nature, Contemplation, and the One.

Anthony Flood

Updated July 26, 2009


John N. Deck



Born: Buffalo, New York, December 2, 1921. 

Education: University of Western Ontario, B.A., 1946, M.A., 1946; University of Toronto, Ph.D. (philosophy), 1960

Professional Experience: Assistant Professor of Philosophy, Boston College, 1955; Professor of Philosophy, University of Windsor [formerly Assumption University], 1957-1979.

Research Interests: Metaphysics; Neo-Platonism; Hegel 


  • Nature, Contemplation, and the One: A Study in the Philosophy of Plotinus. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1967.  Reprinted: Burdett: Larson, 1991.

  • Review of John M. Rist, Plotinus: The Road to Reality, journal and volume number unknown [Dialogue? Canadian Review of Philosophy?], 499-502.

  • St. Thomas Aquinas and the Language of Total Dependence Dialogue: Canadian Philosophical Review. 6, June 1967, 74-88.  Reprinted in Aquinas: A Collection of Critical Essays, ed. Anthony Kenny, University of Notre Dame Press, 1977.

  • The Itself: In-Another Pattern and Total DependenceIdealistic Studies: An Interdiscip-linary Journal of Philosophy, 5, January 1975, 59-69.

  • Plotinus and Sartre: An Ontological Investiga-tion of Being-Other-Than. The Significance of Neoplatonism, ed. R. Baine Harris, Studies in Neoplatonism: Vol. 1, The State University of New York Press, 1976, 319-31. 

  • A Discussion on Individuality and Personality. Dionysius, 2, December 1978, 93-99. [With A. H. Armstrong]

  • Review of Jacques Maritain, Bergsonian Philosophy and Thomism, and The Social and Political Philosophy of Jacques Maritain, Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 18:4, June 1958, 561-62.

  • The Categories of Unthought. Idealistic Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy, 10, May 1980, 173-179.

  • The One, or God, Is Not Properly Hypostasis: A Reply to Professor Anton. The Structure of Being, Albany: State University of New York Press, 1982.

  • Metaphysics or Logic? New Scholasticism, 63, Spring 1989, pp. 229-240.

Unpublished Writings:

Died: Windsor, Ontario, September 5, 1979.

Corrected August 19, 2006